2006 to date
•Create project budget, operation costs, and financial simulation, for residual energy recovery from the chimneys at DeAcero Ramos Arizpe, to generate high steam, electric energy in a turbine and refrigeration through absorption.
•Energy use optimization in steel processing plant at DeAcero in Michoacán.
•Create reference terms for a residue treatment center for DOMOS/eco, to negotiate with NadBank.
•Create project budget, operation costs, and financial simulation to recover residual energy at the cogeneration plant in INMAGUSA, to generate refrigeration and use this to improve work station conditions in, Castaño Coah.
•Write project budget, operation costs and financial simulation for residual energy recovery from VF2 stacks, to generate steam and send it to be used in Solvay plant, in García N. L.